Certain FUNnames tend to be more appealing than others, such as the name ‘John.’ Consider the potential appreciation in value when you engage in FUNname trading. The one-time fee to start trading FUNnames is $25. For every $25 you invest in FUNnames, we will initiate a RICH Matrix Position on your behalf.
It’s important to know that you will NOT incur additional annual fees for the FUNnames in your collection! Please Note: During our prelaunch phase, many popular FUNnames remain accessible, and still be available!
Income Streams for FUNname Traders
First Income Stream: By purchasing multiple FUNnames, you can kickstart your earnings, as this will activate RICH Matrix Positions. For instance, if you invest $1,000 in FUNnames, this will initiate 40 Matrix Positions. These Matrix Positions are projected to yield a remarkable $10,000, resulting in an impressive profit of $9,000.
Second Income Stream: The Matrix Positions you activated by ordering FUNnames will continue to double your returns, repeatedly generating an additional $10,000. In summary, your initial $1,000 investment as a FUNname trader has the potential to produce huge, substantial profits, and this process is ongoing!
Third Income Stream: You may earn income by selling FUNnames via the FUN auction program. As a FUNname trader, you set the selling price for the FUNnames in your portfolio, maximizing your profit potential.
To embark on your journey as a FUNname trader, click on this link.